ML293: Caren Kenney (CEO of Evolve Leadership)
Leaders today have more resources, training, and support than they have ever had in history, yet leadership failures, dismissals and resignations are at an all-time high. Likewise, employees are receiving more benefits, resources, and flexibility than they’ve ever had before yet we are seeing alarming rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues among employees, and many are quitting their jobs with an attitude that it’s just not worth it.
For years Caren Kenney, CEO of Evolve Leadership, C-suite executive coach, and former Executive Director at the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, has recognized the link between mental and physical wellbeing and leadership and human performance. Her work in this area began in 2001 as the co-founder of a company that developed the world’s first direct-to-consumer digital behavioral health coaching programs – which were ultimately acquired by Johnson & Johnson.
Six years ago, Caren led the creation of the world’s first whole-person, whole-life C-suite executive coaching and development programs and today leads a global team of executive coaches, physiologists, dietitians and other leadership and human performance experts who are training leaders, teams and organization to develop higher levels of physical wellbeing, mental and emotional resilience, and character-centered leadership – which she sees as the key to developing strong, sustainable leaders who will thrive in all areas of their lives.
More Info: Evolve Leadership
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