ML313: Brian Van Korn (Author of HEALTHCARELESS)
Brian Van Korn is the author of HEALTHCARELESS, a true story of a very special man whose life was suddenly and forever changed by a rare disease. Dealing with a severe backache for three days, he was taken to an emergency room. For five grueling months his world, his dignity, his very self was stripped away. Trapped in a system that all too often is not healthcare but healthcareless.
Brian is a rare storyteller with a powerful ability to recall fine details. From the first word to the last, he will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. His path began in a hell none of us would hope to experience. In the end, it ascends into a tale of triumph and inspiration. This is one man’s journey to and from paralysis.
BOOK: Heathcareless
MORE INFO: Brian Van Korn
Email: [email protected]
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